WELCOME! We're glad you're here.
JUNE 16 - 21, 2025! Are you a high school junior? Would you like to represent your community and Northwestern REC on the Rural Electric Youth Tour? If selected, you will travel to Washington, D.C. to explore monuments and museums, meet with members of Congress, and make lifelong friends with other students from across the country. You’ll discover leadership lessons from our nation’s history and be immersed in the cooperative spirit that built our nation, with all expenses paid by your local electric cooperative. Yeah, that’s pretty amazing. Are you up for it?
What Youth Tour is All About
What past Youth Tours have been.

The adventure begins at a designated pick up spot in Meadville (previously the Days Inn). On our way to D.C. we pick up several more students before meeting two other PA/NJ buses at Breezewood. After lunch, you will arrive at the hotel with plenty of time to check in to your room before dinner. Youth Leadership Council interviews take place shortly after dinner. The night concludes with an informative YT orientation.
After breakfast, students from all over the United States gather at the hotel for a fantastic Youth Day event. The highlight of this event is a keynote address by US Olympic Gold Medalist, Michael Schlappi. Throughout the day, students will visit Dave & Busters, Union Station and end the day visiting monuments at night.
Our day begins with a walking tour of Arlington National Cemetery, where we’ll visit the President John F. Kennedy gravesite, witness the time-honored changing of the guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and reflect on the names and stories of those honored here. Students will also visit the Holocaust Museum, as well as a few of the Smithsonians. The day concludes at the Iwo Jima Sunset Parade (weather permitting) and a night-time view of the Pentagon Memorial.
We’ll spend part of today meeting with members of Congress representing your home state in our nation’s capital. You’ll have a unique opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues that are important to you! In previous years, the evening ended with an All States Dinner and Dance. Last year, over 1,800 students gathered at the NEWSEUM for a dinner. The agenda is still in the works.
We aren't sure yet what this day will entail. Monuments are for certain! Last year, students toured Mount Vernon - the home and burial ground of George Washington. In previous years, students attended a musical at the Lincoln Center. Last year, students went on a Potomac Boat Cruise.
Before the buses head home, students spend a couple hours at the National Zoo. Our group will then return to the designated drop off in Meadville, previously the Days Inn.
For more information, call Northwestern REC, M - F, 7am - 3:30pm, at 800-352-0014, or email anytime.